Senin, 23 Januari 2012


oleh: sagitri kunti reksa ayu

1.                  How translation problem impede intercultural communication?
2.                  Language as nationalism and the intercultural communication problems than can develop in bilingual societies.
3.                  Basis for the arguments on whether the United State should have an official language ;

1)                  In this chapter deal with two ways in which language affects intercultural communication:
a)                  Translation problems between languages and language as nationalism.
b)                  A second ways that language as barriers is when the use of a particular language is forced on a people by the with more power.

2)                  Communication can fluently when we have vocabulary, the other people understand language, because every word has different meaning and the state has different language nationalism.

3)                  Whereas Canada has two official languages and India many, the United State has one. Nowhere does the U.S Constitution provide for an official language, although having one was seriously considered. Before 1980, only two states had official-English laws: Nebraska in 1920 and Illinois in 1923. But in the 1980s, the official-English movement became active, due in large part to the large number of Hispanic immigrants, some of whom have not assimilated as quickly as earlier immigrants. 
Other arguments to make English the official language point to the millions spent on bilingual education, bilingual ballots, and high school equivalency diploma tests, driving tests in foreign languages and instants translation of court proceedings for defendants who do not speak English.


Accustomed                : biasa, kebiasaan
Lack                            : kekurangan
Surrender                    : menyerahkan
Bland                          : lunak
Contempt                    : jijik
Led                              : memimpin
Atomic                                    : yang berkaitan dengan atom
Weapons                     : senjata
Bucket                         : ember, timba
Toss                             : melemparkan
Allegedly                    : menurut dugaan orang
Innocent                      : tidak bersalah
Provoking                    : bersifat merangsang
Merriment                   : bersuka-ria
Emblazoned                : menghiasi
Flattening                    : meratakan
Adequate                    : cukup
Trial                             : pemeriksaan pengadilan
Strictly                                    : dengan keras
Adhered                      : melekat, mengikuti
Avoided                      : menghindari
Revise                         : meninjau kembali
Intelligible                   : dapat dimengerti
Enforces                      : menyelenggarakan
Invasion                      : penyerbuan, pelanggaran

Penetrating                  : tajam, menusuk
Impose                                    : menjatuhkan, mengganggu
Spread                         : menyebarkan
Diverse                        : bermacam-macam
Incorporated               : perseroan terbatas, tergabung berbentuk badan hukum
Lubricant                     : minyak pelumas
Reluctance                  : keengganan
Eloquence                   : kelancaran berbicara
Gabby                         : temberang
Dignity                        : martabat
Discouraged                : mengecilkan hati
Fear                             : takut
Ratified                       : mengesahkan
Defeated                     : mengalahkan
Sovereignty                 : kedaulatan
Empowered                 : memberi kuasa/wewenang
Declare                        : megumumkan
Exclude                       : mengeluarkan
Petition                        : mengajukan (surat) permohonan
Pressed                        : yang ditekan
Assimilated                 : mengerti, menerima
Ordinance                   : peraturan
Repealed                     : mencabut
Violate                                    : melanggar
Civil                            : sipil
Failure                         : kerusakan, kegagalan
Ancestry                      : keturunan
Spent                           : megeluarkan
Ballots                         : surat suara
Defendants                 : terdakwa
Burden                                    : menyusahkan
Fracture                       : mematahkan
Fragment                     : pecahan, membagi menjadi kepingan-kepingan
Widespread                 : tersebar luas
Influx                          : pemasukan, gelombang
Prohibit                       : mencegah
Restriction                   : pembatasan
Curtailed                     : membatasi
Appealed                     : permohonan
Affirmed                     : menegaskan
Accused                      : menyalahkan
Racist                          : orang yang membenci suku bangsa lain
Weakening                  : melemahkan
Verge                          : pinggir, bebatasan dengan
Extinction                   : pemadaman
Indigenous                  : asli, pribumi
Proponents                  : pendukung
Statehood                    : status sebagai negara bagian
Moribund                    : hampir meninggal
Codified                      : menyusun
Preceding                    : yang terdahulu
Interfere                      : mencampuri
Avoid                          : menghindari
Accuracy                     : kecermatan
Recall                          : mengingat
Compounded              : gabungan, mempersulit
Attempt                       : mencoba
Particular                     : fakta, keterangan
Forced                         : terpaksa
Grasping                      : tamak, loba
Incorporated               : tergabung
Extinction                   : pemadaman
Convey                        : menyampaikan
Lubricant                     : minyak pelumas
Moribund                    : hampir mati
Contempt                    : jijik
Intuitive                      : berdasarkan instuisi
Counterpart                 : rekan
Voluntarily                  : sukarela
Kicked the bucket       : meninggal dunia
Dignity                        : martabat
Embraced                    : saling berpelukan
Oppressed                   : terimpit
Emblazoned                : dihiasi,menghiasi
Segregation                 : pemisahan 
Adhered                      : melekat
Separatist                    : org yg memisahkan
penetrating                  : tajam,menusuk
Defeated                     : kekalahan
Stretching                    : bidang
Declared                      : mengumumkan
Diversity                     : perbedaan
Pamphelets                  : brosur, surat sebaran
Allegendly                  : dugaan orang
Tadpole                       : berudu
Unbearable                  : tak dapat ditahan
Chambermaid              : pelayan
Perambulate                : kereta bayi
Ascension                    : kenaikan
Impropriety                 : ketidakpastian
Obstacle                      : rintangan/ halangan
Barrier                         :rintan


Language as a barrier

In this chapter deal with two ways in which language affects intercultural communication:
1.      Translation problems between languages
2.      Language as nationalism. A second ways that language as barries is when the use of a particular language is forced on a people by the those with more power.

Five translation problems that can become barriers to intercultural communication:
1.      Vocabulary equivalence
2.      Idiomatic equivalence
3.      Grammatical-syntactical equivalence
4.      Experiential equivalence
5.      Conceptual equivalence
One way to improve translation is to use back translation that involves first translating into second language, then translating back into the first language, and then comparing the result to the original.

A second ways that language as barriers is when the use of a particular language is forced on a people by the with more power. The Brazilian Freire (1992) used the term cultural invasion that:       
            To refer to one group penetrating the culture of another group to improve its own view of the world.
            Can be physical and overt as in war and political takeover or it can be indirect or even in the form of helping.

English has grown to dominate the areas of science, technology, commerce, tourism, diplomacy and pop culture.

France has been a true melting pot of cultures. President Francois Mitterrand created the high commission of the France language, its charge being to introduce new French words to replace Franglais (words mixing English and France).

Japanese is Japan’s official language. Japanese and English are structurally very different. The Japanese culture is reflected in many ways in the language.
The differences between communication styles in the United State and Japan may be described as follows:
1.      Orientation to interaction
United State    : place value on self-sufficiency and independence objectivity, cause effect and linear determinism.
Japan               : place more value on the interpersonal relationships with family, friend and colleagues and accepts the reality that develops out of those relationships.
2.      Code preference
United State    : its diversity and the value place on individual correlate to a preference meaning, verbal or nonverbal.
Japan               : its homogeneity and values placed on interdependence correlate to the important placed nonverbal code.
3.      Interaction format
United State    : pragmatic, quantitative and persuasive.
Japan               : process oriented for a holistic or harmonizing outcomes.
Communication is a mean of seeking consensus and as such, is by nature intuitive, emotional and adaptive.

It’s easy to assume that Chinese is the language of China. In fact, though, China has historically been a land of many diverse dialect and over 50 ethnic groups.
Standard Chinese, based on mandarin dialect, is the national language spoken by 70% of the population. English was once forbidden in China. Nonetheless, China, too, is acting to protect its language from Western word borrowings.

Singapore once discouraged the use of Chinese out of fear of the spread of Chinese communism and took pride in having English as national language.

Now known African-accented English is becoming the norm just as the lingua franca of the country.

The prime minister announced officially that Canada would be bilingual and multicultural.

India is a country of diversity: a multiplicity of language as well as religions, castes and living condition. Hindi as an official language would exclude those who don’t speak it. Using English would at least give everyone an equal handicap.

After independence, there have been times when some have pressed to make English the official language of the United States. The new article would state:
Ø  Section 1. The English language shall be the official language of the United States.
Ø  Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
·         The situation in Hawaii
Hawaii had no written language. Hawaiian makes up about 12% of the state’s population and is the fourth largest ethnic group behind Whites, Japanese-Americans, and Filipino-Americans. Recognizing that the loss of language also means the loss of the culture.

·         Loss of Native American Language
In Colonial times, as many as 500 indigenous languages were spoken in North America. The act endorses the preservation of indigenous language and encourages the use of Native American Languages of instruction.

The Basque language Euskera is spoken in France and Spain at the western and of the Pyrenees.
In this chapter, cutler is shared and revealed through verbal and nonverbal symbols and how it can be said that communication and culture are truly inseparable.

Language can be defined as the set of symbols shared by community to communicate meaning and experience. Language can be a barrier when it becomes an issue of nationalism. Because language carries elements of culture. One negative effect of language nationalism is the loss of language and culture of non dominant groups within a country

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