Senin, 23 Januari 2012


oleh: gitri

School                  : MTs/SMP
Subject                 : English
Class                     : VIII
Model of text       : Transactional / Interpersonal / Function Text
Theme/material  : Expression of Gratitude
Aspect                  : Speaking
Time                      : 2 x 40 minutes

1.       Standard of competence
To understand the meaning of transactional conversation and simple interpersonal and to interact with immediate environment.

2.       Based of competence
To response transactional conversation meaning to get things done and interpersonal (socialization) by using some kinds of oral simple language as accurate, fast and receive for interacting with immediate environment that involves greeting to people that we did not know, introduce and offer something.

3.       Instructional Objectives
In the end of lesson, student should be able to:
a.       Identify the expression of gratitude and response.
b.       Answer the question based on the material in short dialogue.
c.        Understand about the depth of expression of gratitude material.
d.       Apply the expression of gratitude and response in dialogue.
e.       Use expression of gratitude in daily activities.

Students’ character expected:
1)       Trustworthiness
2)       Respect
3)       Responsibility
4)       Courage

4.       Material
a.       Communication Practice
b.       Grammar Practice
c.        Developing practice
d.       Pronunciation

Expression of Gratitude and Response

Expression of Gratitude
·         I’m very grateful for…
·         I’m so grateful for…
·         I’m grateful for…
·         Thank you very much for…
·         Thank you so much for…
·         Thanks a lot for…
·         Thanks a million!
·         Thanks!
·         You’re very welcome
·         You’re quite welcome
·         You’re entirely welcome
·         You’re welcome
·         Don’t mention it
·         Forget it

Anita       : “would you all like to come out for a drink?
Brenda   : “yes, that would be marvelous. Thanks.
Clara      : “Thank you for the invitation. But I must go home soon. My family is waiting for me.”

5.       Method of Teaching
Using three-phase technique
·         Pre-activities
·         Whilst Activities
·         Post activities

6.       Teaching Steps
a.       Introduction
-          Apperception
1.       Opening and greeting to the class
2.       Checking attendance
3.       Asking various things related to the students’ condition

-          Motivation
1.       Explaining the importance or benefit of material to be discussed
2.       Checking students readiness and conveying the instructional objectives

b.       Core activity
In exploration activity:
1.         Teacher explains the definition of expression of gratitude.
2.         Teacher explains the expression of gratitude and responses.
3.         Teacher explains the function of the expression of gratitude.
4.         Teacher gives an example of the expression of gratitude.
5.         Teacher discusses some information from expression of gratitude by using short dialogue.

In elaboration activity:
1.     Teacher asks the students to mention some information of expression taken from short dialogue given.
2.     Teacher asks the students to make example of expression of gratitude simply.
3.     Teacher divides students to make a group for making conversation by using expression of gratitude.
4.     Teacher Shares some short dialogue to students to explain or retell the expression of gratitude.
5.     Teacher asks the students to perform their task in front of the class.
6.     Teacher takes a point of that performance.

In confirmation activity:
1.         Teacher asks students’ difficulties of the material discussed.
2.         Teacher provides positive feedback and reinforcement the material oral and written.
3.         Teacher makes a reflection of material discussed with the students.
4.         Teacher motivates the students to participate in learning process.
5.         Teacher discusses material that will be delivered next meeting.

c.       Closing activity
In closing activity, the teacher:
1.     Makes a course summary/conclusion
2.     Close the class
3.     Greet to the students

7.       Resource of Learning
-          Relevant book
-          Worksheets’ student

8.       Assessment tool (evaluation)
1.     Written test
2.     Oral test


Horizontal Scroll: Dear Mom and Dad,
I know, you do not need this thank you, but I am doing it for myself. I never said it before, but you are the best parents one could ever get. Lucky me! You really mean the world to me; in fact I saw this world through your eyes. You gave me then wings to fly away and explore this world on my own. Thank you very much for the love, care, and affection you showered me with. I may not be able to ever return that to you, but I want to say, I LOVE YOU! And thanks for making me the most cherished person in your life. Thanks.
Love you
Selena YefaExercise 1
Read the following the letter and answer the questions!

1.       Who wrote the letter?

2.       What does the letter talk about?

3.       Identify the expression of gratitude from that letter?

Exercise 2
Complete the following dialogues with the expressions of gratitude

Anne      : “…………………… your help brother.”
Daniel    : “…………………… Anne.”

Selena   : “You gave me a doll yesterday, Clara. ……………..”
Clara      : “…………………….”

Chris      : “could you come out to drink with me?”
Laura     : “………………………… the invitation but I couldn’t.”


Exercise 3
Make a dialogue based on the following context (s) and use appropriate gratitude expressions!

  • Your friend has just bough food you asked for

Exercise 4
Work in a pair and perform a dialogue based on the following context (s) and use appropriate gratitude expressions!

  • Yesterday, you were helped by someone when you were falling down. He took you to the hospital for curing. Today, you will meet him and thank for his helping.

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